Social Responsability
Our Sustainability Policy promote environmental awareness in all of its employees, to strengthen the use of environmental practices assuring sustainable development, while respecting and protecting the area plants and wildlife.
Our company financially supports initiatives for cultural development and improving people’s quality of life, sponsoring a variety of activities directly benefiting the community.
Torreón de Paredes constantly strives to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment and to strengthen their sustainability. Concrete actions have been taken through resource and waste management programs to make a wide range of processes more environmentally friendly and developing an Environmental Management System – with clear environmental aims and objectives – to assist it in fulfilling its Sustainability Policy goals, especially through “continuous improvement” and the prevention of contamination, at all operational levels.

Our commitment is based with environmentally friendly actions such: Integrated SIW Management Program, LIW Treatment and Disposal Program, Energy Efficiency Program, Water Resource Protection Program and The Biodiversity Conservation Program.
Torreón de Paredes continuously strives to safeguard and preserve the environment. To achieve this, the winery is committed to:
Complying with Chile’s Environmental Legislation and Regulations, and to voluntarily adhering to pro-environmental measures with its activities, products and services.
Implementing and developing an Environmental Management System – with clear environmental aims and objectives – to assist it in fulfilling its Sustainability Policy goals, especially through “continuous improvement” and the prevention of contamination, at all operational levels.
Actively encouraging its contractors and suppliers to be environmentally aware, concerned and engaged in keeping with this policy.
Fostering environmental awareness in all of its employees, to strengthen the use of environmental practices assuring sustainable development, while respecting and protecting the area plants and wildlife.
Sharing its environmental experience internally and with interested external parties.
At Torreón de Paredes, our Code of Ethics and Conduct presents a clear set of guidelines for the good practices we expect with all of our production, distribution and commercialization operations.
We urge all of our collaborators to review the Code, to fully familiarize themselves with our ethical principles and policies. In addition, we invite all of our other stakeholders to adhere to and to put into practice this Code, as well.
Torreón de Paredes constantly strives to reduce the impact of its operations on the environment and to strengthen their sustainability. Concrete actions have been taken through resource and waste management programs to make a wide range of processes more environmentally friendly.
Business Internship Program
Viñedos Torreón de Paredes is fully committed to its community and to promoting work placement opportunities. The company signed an agreement with two regional high schools to provide two business internships each year for young students about to enter the job market.
Sponsorship Program
Our company financially supports initiatives for cultural development and improving people’s quality of life, sponsoring a variety of activities directly benefiting the community.
Personnel Hiring
To assist the economic and social development of our neighboring communities, we hire locally, and, whenever possible, favor area suppliers of goods and services.
To all our Importers, Distributors, Suppliers, collaborators, and Community Neighbors, we are proud and happy to inform you that on the 9th of November 2015, Wines of Chile has granted Torreón de Paredes Vineyards & Winery the Seal and Certification of Sustainability. Thus, from the mentioned date Torreón de Paredes has become a CERTIFIED SUSTAINABLE VINEYARD & WINERY.
This Certification entailed a long and painstaking work of almost 2 years that involved all Torreón de Paredes Staff, from simple collaborators to the Company Management. Needless to say, the seal and Certification of Sustainability, is nowadays a world known and respected standard of quality in the Wine Industry.
In this line Torreón de Paredes continuously strives to safeguard and preserve the environment. To achieve this, the winery is committed to Comply with Chile’s Environmental Legislation and Regulations, and to voluntarily adhering to pro-environmental measures with its activities, products and services.
Hoy más que nunca, la vida debe caracterizarse por un sentido de responsabilidad universal, no solo entre naciones y entre humanos, sino entre humanos y cualquier otra forma de vida Dalai Lama